

Monday, March 17, 2008

Once a year.

Once a year you get to collect your birthday gifts except for Feb 29 babies.
Mine's 11 March. So it's cool.

I don't usually expect birthday gifts. Probably because I received too many useless photo frames (without a picture in it) and decoratives which aids in collecting dust on my shelf.

Some really nice old time friends got me some stuff.
Ying Ying my really faithful old friend from my primary school got me a red adidas bottle. Got to love her.
Jon got me a camera/ipod/phone pouch. Kinda cool design.
Naomi got me some interesting green edible liquid. lol

One of my mum's nice old patient gave me 20 buck. zoweewooks.

My four faithful friends from school brought me out yesterday.
After more than 2 years, we took a neoprint together.
They wanted to get me something. But I can't seem make up my mind. lol

My junior Esther wrote a nice letter. Plus saying that she'll give me my birthday present sometime later.

My mum and dad brought me out for some good lunch and dinner.
And because I also couldn't make up my mind for any present from them either, they didn't bother to get me anything else since they know my style. I'll only ask for it when I really want something, or else I will not use any useless things they get for me.
The stuff I want usually comes in the 12 months of the year. And I'll usually get it during christmas, you see? hahah.

This time I received a special one.

5 Pairs of hands came up with these:

1. The Birthday Card

2. A Custom-made keychain.

3. Button Badge with my name on it. And even my number. And some mini candles.

4. Final course, there's this really good cookies. It's even shaped '2'.

Well... that's very thoughtful of my 5 grandjuniors - Cheryl, Chi, Qin Wen, Shereena, and Kai Voon.

You see, not only presents like cellphones and iPods or expensive stuff are special to me. ;)

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